Only One Struggle

When my neo-liberal Mother sniffs, chokes and tells me: “You are dirty & your clothes stink” I don’t get mad, I just calmly reply, “No War But Class War”

When my MAGA Dad growls: “You need a real job” - I respond, “No War But Class War”

When my woke daughter complains that I misgender her friends’ pronouns I say, “No War But Class War”

I believe in only one struggle

When my PhD son scoffs and says: ‘intersectionality, meathead” — I say, “No War But Class War”

When my aesthete wife tells me I need to pluck out my nostril hairs because they are as long as her finger — I say, “No War But Class War”

I am a reductionist

I am happy Kim Kardashian got her 20-carat diamond ring stolen because - “No War But Class War”

I am joyful Gucci, Chanel & Prada got their windows broken & merchandise looted in riots because - “No War But Class War”

I applaud the adolescent Orca killer whales that rammed & sank luxury yachts in the Mediterranean, because — “No War But Class War”

I’m a fanboy for Robin Hood & Somali pirates & Luigi Mangione because — “No War But Class War”

Ukraine vs. Russia? — “No War but Class War” UK royalty has cancer? — “No War but Class War” When I meditate my mantra is? — “No War But Class War”

Yes, it’s true, if there’s enormous materialist nagging I do indeed yank out my longest nostril hairs — I do indeed wash my clothes once a month — I do indeed get my pronouns right up to 33 percent of the time

But then — I return to my anti-capitalist OCD

Six vacant houses for every homeless person in San Francisco? “No War But Class War” Jeff Bezos has more money than Hungary’s GDP? “No War But Class War” Two percent of Elon Musk’s money could solve world hunger? (say it with me) — “No War But Class War”

People have multiple dreams & nightmares but I only have one. I see Rosa Luxembourg’s face. Her lips are moving & she tells me… she tells me… she tells me...

hey! You know exactly what she’s saying