Hey Thich Nhat Hanh, I gotta question
I know you’re dead & you’re probably reincarnated somewhere But I wanna pretend you’re here & so I can ask you about this sentence you said, you said: “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness” that’s heavy, Thich, deep, deep — “The illusion of our separateness”
I totally believe that, dude, because I’m PanPsychic, I know everything is conscious we’re all interconnected - butterfly flapping wings in Madagascar affects me Red star exploding in a galaxy a million light years away affects me Okay, that second one’s a stretch But anyway, Thich Nhat Hanh, my question is - what I wanna know is your idea that we’re all one joined together, we’re not separate this is a happy true cosmic real thing, right? It’s seriously True, right?
I love that idea & I wanna believe it’s true but I wonder, I’m concerned because there’s this other very smart guy named Jean Paul Sartre He’s a French guy, he got a Nobel Prize but you didn’t - No offense, you got nominated but you didn’t get it but that doesn’t doesn’t mean anything - because the judges are racist, right? anyway, this Jean Paul Sartre guy said, “Hell is other people” & wow - that is really NOT what you said, at all interconnection is supposed to be heaven, not Hell, right?
& there’s this other Froggie named Albert Camus He also got a Nobel Prize & you didn’t but that doesn’t mean anything, sorry I keep mentioning it Albert Camus said people feel “alienation” because existence is absurd & people cannot find meaning in life because everything is meaningless & wow, that’s NOT what you said either
& finally, there’s this German egghead named Friedrich Nietztsche His last name has five consonants in a row, its totally rude Nietzsche didn’t get a Nobel Prize either, like you didn’t either but anyway, this Nietzsche dude says “God is Dead” & you say “God is Everywhere” & my question is What the Fuck? Who am I supposed to believe?
I’m a smart person myself, I mean, I can read books, But I’m not as smart as you, Thich, or as smart as the two Frogs & the Kraut So I am dependent, Thich, dependent on you 4 different smart guys Telling me what’s up, with myself, with God, with my attitude You brainiacs gotta tell me what’s real, what’s the truth…
But NO! you four “intellectuals” can’t reach a consensus. You can’t decide at all - SO - what the fuck am I supposed to believe? Thich, Thich, Thich Nhat Hanh, I wanna believe your cheerful vision God everywhere, people interconnected — an excellent theory Especially compared to Camus who says life is just rolling giant rocks uphill that always get away & roll back downhill & then we repeat repeat repeat.
So there’s you, Thich, with your pitch that’s fantastic but a bit woo-woo at the edges, I mean, that Red Star exploding a million light years away doesn’t give a shit about me But I love thinking that it actually might & on the other side, the two Frogs & the Kraut Describe what actually seems like my mostly horrible life
So I wonder- Thich Thich Thich, are the other guys just wrong because they died 50 - 100 years ago? & you just died like.. yesterday? Did the cosmic plan change recently & I didn’t get the memo?
Thich Thich, time is tick tocking away help me gain some insight before I reach my very last day