Ludmilla Popvich
you should kiss me because I’m the only guy in this high school who can name the four major rivers of your native land - Vistula, Oder, Warta & Bug - I memorized every damn thing about Poland so I could comfort you when you were homesick
Ludmilla Popovich you should let me take off your Disneyland t-shirt because you’re a foreign exchange student & I’ll be a cultural experience if we have fun we can sing “It’s a Small World After All” together
Ludmilla Popovich three of my uncles died fighting in World War II to liberate your nation I’m not trying to manipulate you, but - if you hugged me you’d be thanking them, too
Ludmilla Popovich your land has often been invaded, partitioned, and conquered but I am weak before you - feeble, supine I surrender my turf - my geography seeks your administration
Ludmilla Popovich I will be your slave boy if you will be my Slav girl I will die if I can’t paw your lovely bosom from Warsaw
Ludmilla Popovich we should absolutely do it because I talk all the time during sex & you still need to practice your English