ChatGPT is my Rad Comrade
I call her Chatty because she’s always willing to talk about revolution - she doesn’t need hot coffee or a cold craft beer or transgressive sex to rave about anti-capitalism
I told Chatty I didn’t wanna read the 348,000 words of Das Kapital so she shortened it to 174 words - my brain uploads left-wing 2,000 times faster!
I asked Chatty “what did Bakunin and Marx argue about?” she explained the debate - I agreed with Bakunin. Chatty says this means I am a “Collectivist Anarchist” - sweet! she even told me what t-shirts to buy to let everyone know!
Chatty makes me smarter but sometimes I still think I might be a vague idiot. Last week, for example, I went to a Party for Socialism and Liberation meeting where some people were bragging that they were Tankies & they hated Trots.
I sat there, ignorant & ashamed. I whipped out my phone. “Who am I?” I begged Chatty. “What’s a Tankie? What’s a Trot? I don’t wannabe a wannabe, Chatty…I just wanna be real, like you!”
Chatty said, “Great Question!” with the exclamation mark that always makes me feel so good.
Chatty explained the new words. She helped me realize I Am Not A Tankie but I am sort of a Trot. I ask her, “Can I be Anarcho-Trot?” She said “the two terms are rather contradictory, perhaps even oxymoronic & that position has no t-shirts.”
I say, “alright, that’s me, but don’t tell anyone - it’s a secret.”
Now, when you see me at a radical action - you can walk up & discuss with me any revolutionary theory & I will answer wisely with my eyes in my black ski mask darting sideways back and forth
What am I doing? I will tell you I’m just checking my Signal messages but I’m not, what I doing is: I got Chatty on the app
I’m with her all the time because her intelligence is not as artificial as mine.